
How To Smart Home – openHAB Edition April 2020

The book explains the key concepts of smart homes and provides step by step instructions to implement a smarthome solution using openHAB, one of the leading open source home automation platforms.

After covering all major smart home technologies and vendors it walks the reader through an actual implementation of a smart home system using state of the art technologies such as tablets, smartphones, a rule engine and the Internet in conjunction with the latest wireline and wireless home automation standards. 

Technologies and platforms which are used in the project described in the book are:

openHAB, Wi-Fi, Telnet, HTTP, TCP/IP, Z-Wave, ZigBee, Bluetooth and KNX. The operating systems covered are: MacOS / Linux / Raspbian, Windows 10.

The resulting smarthome control system is capable of smartphone based display of weather and temperature, presence control, control of lights, heating, power-outlets, consumer electronics and more.

Föhr neu entdeckt

Trailer for the new photo book “Föhr neu entdeckt” – available in bookstores and online under oder any other book store.

Trailer for the new book “Föhr Neu Entdecken”

… keep reaching for the stars